Some random thoughts:
* Gore III should be a spokesperson for the Toyota Prius. There are many people, Rush Limbaugh included, who may be greatly surprised to hear that the Toyota Prius can go 100 miles an hour...
* Wouldn’t now be a great time for Al Gore, Jr., to launch a “Just Say No” to drugs campaign?
* I’m constantly amazed by politicians like Al Gore, Jr., trying to get their hands on the machinery of government to force the rest of us to live as they see fit, yet, they can’t even take care of business at home.
* I agree with Al Gore III—drugs should be legalized. He didn’t say so in a policy statement, but he has with his actions.
* I suppose St. Albans, Sidwell Friends, and Harvard University are all feeling proud today. Gore attended St. Albans and and graduated from Sidwell Friends, and graduated from Harvard University two years ago.
* Al Gore Jr, who says he doesn't anticipate running for president again, is quoted in the Washington Post today as saying that "I've kind of fallen out of love with politics." Al, politics fell out of love with you a long time ago...
* Even though the sheriff's department accepts personal checks and credit cards, Gore III was left in jail for more than 10 hours. That's just what would have happened to me when I was growing up, even if bail had been $20, not $20,000...