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C-I-L-L my landlord

So the building manager/landlord went into my room twice yesterday. I guess I should feel thankful.

1) The manager/landlord and one of my managers at work went into my room to receive the delivery of my washing machine. It was very nice of them to stay there while it was installed!

Very nice, indeed! I just wish I had known....especially after being told that no one could get into my room...

2) Then, later, the manager/landlord went into my room to leave a package sent from Mongolia. To the best of my recollection I don't know a single person from Mongolia and haven't been in my new room long enough to have told anyone my address. Of course, the package wasn't for me, probably for the previous resident.

I'm expecting my manager/landlord to go back into my room today to retreive the package...

Images by Tyrone Greene ... (Eddie Murphy on Saturday Night Live)

Dark and lonely on the summer night.
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord.
Watchdog barking - Do he bite?
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord.
Slip in his window,Break his neck!
Then his houseI start to wreck!
Got no reason --What the heck!
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord.
C-I-L-L ...My land - lord ...Def!

{Thanks to a colleague of mine who found this on the Internet for me.}

* * *

Bad news!

When I saw the papers this morning I thought I would be able to c-i-l-l my landlord. According to the Korea Herald: [S Korean president] Lee prepares to pardon 1.5 million.

That would have been good news because I could c-i-l-l my landlord, then get pardoned for it. Unfortunately, he is only pardoning people convicted of economic crimes.

* * *

Sweet food

I love sweets. Sweet food. Sweet women. Sweet drinks.

Based on the recommendation of a friend I tried 고구마 돈가스 (go gu ma ton ga suh). It is sweet potato pork cutlet. Love it. Only problem is that the place I went in Myeongdong served it with cheese sewed in.

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