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Today's roundup: Can't tell the womens from the mens!

* This chick was once a dude.

* Wouldn't that be something? The sexy supermodel of your dreams may have once been a guy.

* I suspect there are some Korean women wondering if they can have the same surgery to look like the former Mr. Choi.

The woman pictured on the left is now a contestant in a Super Model Contest in Korea. According to the Korea Times: "Choi Han-bit, 23, was among 50 participants selected from a list of 1,200 candidates at the preliminary stage of the contest on July 2. She still has to pass another preliminary on July 28 to be included in the final selection, but if she does, Choi will be Korea's first transsexual super model. A dance major at the Korea National University of Arts, Choi underwent a sex change operation in 2006, and was legally recognized as a woman by a court."

The article also mentions: "In 2005, before undergoing the sex change operation, she appeared in a television show as a man who was disguised as a woman."

* * *

Diet a great success!

I stepped up my diet plan last night, spending quite a bit of time walking around lost last night. I even showed the map (in Korean) to some Koreans who were pretty sure the place was nearby, but they weren't quite sure where it was.

I guess I should feel better. Yesterday when I was out looking for a new place to live I noticed that the real estate agent had trouble finding the location.

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Today's National story of the day

"Teachers Come to Blows in Front of Students"

According to the Korea Times: "Two apparently inebriated high school teachers got into a fist fight in front of the school gates ― leaving onlooking students in a state of shock.The pair, who teach at a school Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, are now facing disciplinary action after the incident, which occurred at around 6 p.m. on July 7, led to one of the alleged culprits taking time off due to the injuries he incurred, according to the provincial office of education.

"The drama unfolded as the teachers arrived back at the school after an argument developed at an event to mark final term examinations, the office said. But the verbal volleys quickly turned physical and a fight ensued at the school gates, the office added. Students who had stayed on campus to study were reportedly shocked, a report filed by the office said. The school is planning to file disciplinary action against the pair after the wounded teacher returns to work. The educational office said both had blamed the alcohol and each other for the incident. "

Unfortunately, there is no video of the incident.

* * *

They can call me as often as they want!

No Night Calls From Loan Sharks

I say that anyone who teaches them English should be sentenced to death.

* * *

Stop breaking the law, assholes!

One of the funnier scenes in the movie "Liar, Liar," was when the lawyer (played by Jim Carrey) shouted into the phone to one of his troublemaking clients, "stop breaking the law asshole."

Apparently there needs to be a line like that in the Korean Constitution. As noted in today's Korea Herald: "Crime surge mars Constitution Day."

"The number of minor offenses in the first half of this year rose by 24.1 percent to 473,936 cases from the 381,716 last year, the National Police Agency said yesterday.

"The greatest leap was in public order offenses, with 92,871 cases identified, a 67.1 percent rise from last year. The number of acts of violence under the influence of alcohol rose to 41,289 cases, a 62.8 percent rise. Traffic law violations also saw a 74 percent rise, from 1.18 million cases to 2.06 million cases. "


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