One of my favorite people in the whole world is Cherie Yang! Last week was so great because she was studying at the FSI (formerly TNKR) office almost every day! She is great in so many ways, although I do worry about her judgment: She publicly calls me her "angel."
Cherie's fundraiser:
It seemed that she was at TNKR every day. We encourage study pairs to meet at our office. I know that many volunteers can't wait to get away from the TNKR office (and me)! But this week, it seemed that everyone was all smiles, even when it wasn't photo time!
I still remember when we began fundraising in 2014 then got more serious about it in 2015 that people would ask me "How are you going to spend the money?" Even these days, people don't get excited about paying rent or salaries, they want to donate to some dazzling activity. Paying those basic costs can make it possible for dazzling things to happen!
Update: This was preparation for our fifth English speech contest, which Cherie won! She later used the speech as the foundation of her TEDx Talk.