Much to my surprise, TNKR co-founder Eunkoo Lee had already scheduled meetings for us on the holiday on 10/3. I had been dreaming of taking a day off to play video games all day.
* Yesterday, students visiting from Denmark interviewed me for a school project. They were efficient with the interview, asking pointed questions.
I asked Youngmin Kwon, project manager of the Bring My Father Home to also briefly introduced Hwang Cheol's campaign to have his father freed from North Korea. New staffer Josefine Johansen and Hyunheo also introduced themselves.
* Students from Seoul National University (SNU) visited again to figure out how they can help. That was on the holiday.
* We also had a Korean-American lawyer who is working in Beijing visit us. He read up about TNKR, and has made it clear that he would like to get involved.
* Josefine Johansen has begun tutoring NK refugees at our office. She is making flyers, tutoring, and helping out any way she can. I was delighted to see her posting about TNKR on her Facebook page (without me asking!). The refugee she is tutoring has been with us for about a year now, and she is so focused!
* We had an orientation session with a North Korean refugee returning to TNKR. He struggled the first time around, he was clearly more interested in socializing with the (female) tutors. He didn't say he regretted that he was more interested in meeting (female) teachers socially, but he did admit that he didn't learn the first time around because he wasn't focused on studying. He says this time he will abide by our rules and be focused on studying, not socializing.
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