I had a fun and funny TV podcast interview earlier today with Jieun Shin. She was fantastic, funny, we had a great time!
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?list=PL-6_xImxyTAJw3q eFJBXFv6fSCFEOb9eG&v=yAqCz 0r8PiU&app=desktop
I have learned that many North Korean refugees learned about TNKR because of this interview, which was translated into Korean. This interview also led to the big cable TV special about TNKR.
https://www.facebook.com/ CaseyLartigue/videos/ vb.100004020120914/ 1135977703212890/ ?type=2&video_source=user_v ideo_tab
I have learned that many North Korean refugees learned about TNKR because of this interview, which was translated into Korean. This interview also led to the big cable TV special about TNKR.