TNKR co-founders Eunkoo Lee and Casey Lartigue at the “Little Big Heroes” party, hosted by the CJ Sharing Foundation.
TNKR was featured in this TVN video in September.
It was all smiles, which was a bit different from the recording when I clashed with the production team. They wanted us to engage in a lot of acting, but I did my best to resist without destroying the special.
I was delighted to introduce myself, but of course shy Eunkoo Lee hesitated, but did so anyway. Yes, that is the business card they made for her in the background. I don't think she has ever given one of them out. My regret is that they didn't make more of them for me.
Here's the business card they made for me.
They also made these miniatures for us.
Eunkoo later broke the sunglasses on mine.
Yes, I'm still bitter about it.
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