2021-01-11: It reminded me of my younger days, getting called to the principal's office! Oh Young-jin, president and publisher of the Korea Times, called me to come in for a meeting, he and the editors wanted to push me to start writing my column and blog again. They had noticed that I had taken a bit of a break. I was like Bobby Brown, going from the "King of R&B" to the "King of R&R."
They also strongly encouraged me to get involved with a new project the Korea Times is launching.
You can see Mr. Oh in a TV special a few years ago praising me (from the 25 minute mark) https://www.facebook.com/CaseyLartigue/videos/vb.100004020120914/1135977703212890/?type=2&video_source=user_video_tab (Yes, I will never let him forget that he was a prop for me in a TV special). www.lovetnkr.org/donate