On December 11, 1969, a North Korean agent hijacked a plane from South to Nouth Korea. For much of the past 20 years, Hwang In-Cheol, son of one of the people on that airplane, has been campaigning to have his father released. Yesterday he led a rally at Imjingak's Freedom Bridge (near the DMZ) to call on North Korea to reveal the truth about what happened to his father and to release him.
For much of those 20 years, Mr. Hwang has been on his own, although he has partnered with some organizations. In recent years Freedom Speakers International has been with him anytime has called on us (although sometimes we do call on him to see if he has any plans and if there is anything we can do to help).
He definitely wasn't alone yesterday! About a dozen South Koreans and I joined him yesterday.
I was the other featured speaker, although obviously, this is not the kind of event that you want to speak at, it would be much better for the family to be reunited or at least to have closure. We have been with Mr. Hwang since 2016, and it isn't the kind of anniversary that you want to have.
The main logistics for the event were taken care of by FSI co-founder Eunkoo Lee, with some help from Dahye and Brooke.
Here is the petition: https://www.change.org/p/when-will-north-korea-release-my-father
After the speeches and partial reading of the petition, participants threw paper airplanes in the direction of North Korea.
10 links related to Hwang In-Cheol's campaign
2016 trip to Imjingak
From Hwang Solo to Team Hwang (Korea Times, photo version at my blog) (2016)
In search of a forgotten passenger (2018)
Son Crusades to meet father hijacked to North (Joonang Daily Newspaper) (2016)
A Son's Fight (audio by JoonangDaily) (2016)
Sign the petition 2021
Panel at the National Assembly (2019)
Joining forces with Mr. Hwang (April 2016)
Mr. Hwang's first birthday celebration (Nov 2018)
Bring My Father Home for Christmas (2017)
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* Make a donation of any amount to support the campaign
Send his father home - Freedom Speakers International
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