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Open House coming up (2021-04-11)


Last year I held a couple of 3 a.m. Korea time Zoom calls. I promised myself that I would never do it again. And so far I haven't.

Instead, I did something even worse.

An all-nighter.

The conference started yesterday from 11 pm, we finished at 4:55 a.m. this morning.

Should I bother saying I will never do that again?

I need to have a normal life. I had planned to take the day off to get my time clock ready for what was coming, but I was receiving so many questions from people that I barely slept the day before and day of the conference.

* * *

There are three kinds of people in the world: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those people (like the ones who showed up today) asking: What happened?

Some people ignored the previous emails and messages and thought the conference was either today, or starting at 11 am, not 11 pm Korea time.

I can't blame them. It makes perfect sense that someone in Seoul would schedule a meeting to start at 11 am Korea time.

Who in the world starts a conference in his own time zone to start from 11 pm, and plans to go on until the crack of dawn?

* * *

So why have I scheduled a virtual Open House at 9 a.m. Seoul time on April 11th? It isn't because I don't have anyone performing an intervention to stop me. My co-founder is Eunkoo Lee. Expecting her to stop me from setting up meetings is like expecting a fellow alcoholic to stop you from drinking. 

She isn't just an enabler. When I show up to the office, I learn that we have many meetings scheduled. I will give her credit, she is fantastic at avoiding double-booking sessions. Instead, she will book them one after another without ever making a mistake.

If I say I need a break, she will agree, then recommend that I take a 15 minute break between meetings or show up to a meeting a few minutes late.

I couldn't even take today off after wrapping up the session at 5 am and finally kind of sleeping from about 7 a.m. Surprise, surprise, we had a 1 pm zoom meeting, then a 3 pm zoom meeting right after that.

Thanks Eunkoo!!!

* * *

So here we are again, but I can only blame myself. Swept away in the enthusiasm of holding a conference, I thought we should have some type of a follow-up session. This week will be busy (surprise!) so Sunday morning seemed to be the one time we could have the Open House.

A 9 a.m. Open House scheduled for April 11th Korea time. We will hold it to one hour because, yes, Eunkoo will have another meeting! It will be her online church service. 

I am sure I will hang around if people want to talk more, but the meeting will probably end at 10 am sharp if people show up telling me how we should run FSI or fit our programming around their lives, schedules and dreams.

Please register so we can have an idea of how many people may be joining.

24 hours prior to the Open House we will send out the link for the session. If you sign up at Eventbrite, you will also receive a message with the link information.

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